Friday, December 14, 2018

how to lose weight within a short time

Easy 30 Second Routine “Just Happens” To Melt 79lb of Belly Fat…
You see, in the short term, using this method was effective.
But it wasn’t sustainable for the long term.
That’s when a fellow professor shared with me something amazing I had never realized.
I want you to take a look at the rate of obesity map across the world.
The darker the shade of red, the more obese people there are in that nation.
The greenish color means that there is a very low proportion of people who suffer from obesity in that country.
Grey indicates that there’s not enough data.
Since you’re probably in a first-world country, let’s limit our discussion to only the first world nations.
Take a good look at the map and I bet you see a pattern…
Almost all the western developed first world nations are either red or dark red, such as United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and most of Europe as well…
This indicates high rates of obesity in these parts of the world.
But notice that China, Japan and Korea are all green. This means these countries have almost no obesity at all.

Why is this the case?

At first I thought maybe Caucasian/European people were genetically more prone to obesity.
But I discovered this was false, because only in the last 50 years has the Western world started to develop an obesity epidemic.
If genes were a factor, then this would have been a problem throughout history, and not just appear over the past five decades.
Maybe it’s because of lifestyle factors then?
But that was also not the case.
China, Japan and Korea have all become westernized, which means most of them were just like us sitting in an office working 9 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Furthermore, a recent survey revealed that people from these Asian countries exercised even less than the average Westerner.

how to lose weight in a short space of time

Easy 30 Second Routine “Just Happens” To Melt 79lb of Belly Fat…

And that was what eventually led me to discover this Easy 30 Second Routine that helped my wife reach her weight loss goals faster than anything we thought possible – without having her to do ANY exercise.

You see, after 14 days of frustrating research and going in circles, I stumbled across a post in a bodybuilding forum.
They were talking about the techniques that professional bodybuilders use before a competition to gain an advantage just days before their tournament.
They claimed that weight manipulation, if done right, actually enabled them to lose as much as 30 pounds in five days.
That’s losing a staggering six pounds a day – without any additional exercise.
The problem was, losing that much weight, that quickly, often resulted in severe negative side effects.
But what if I was looking to get less extreme results, and instead of losing six pounds a day …a person could lose, let’s say one or two pounds a day… with zero side effects?
I decided to consult with the university fitness coach to verify this information.
He confirmed that it was possible.
But I still had doubts.
And I was getting desperate and willing to try anything to save my wife.
So I asked the fitness coach for the weight manipulation program he’d give his own students…
And over the course of the week I started to test and try this method...
Within just a few days it started to work.
I was shocked to find out I was actually two pounds lighter than I was the day before.
I almost couldn’t believe it. I wanted to be sure, so I continued to experiment…
And one week later, I had lost 14 pounds.
Although it wasn’t as impressive as losing six pounds a day, I was able to safely and quickly lose two pounds overnight, each and every night, with zero exercise and no side effects.

how to reduce weight in a short time

Easy 30 Second Routine “Just Happens” To Melt 79lb of Belly Fat…

She was also emotionally drained.

And this made me even more ashamed and helpless.
I was an academic by profession, so researching for solutions to problems in theory was my specialty.
But extreme rapid weight loss in a short period of time wasn’t in my field of expertise.
I knew I couldn’t do this alone and had to seek guidance from a higher power.
So I got down on my knees and started to pray on the cold hospital floor.
I prayed and prayed as long and as hard as I could…
After a while, I didn’t know what it was.
Maybe it was God answering my prayer?
But after praying I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and calm that gave me the confidence to deal with this problem.
I was determined to get this solved before her surgery in 8 weeks.

how to lose weight in a short period of time

Easy 30 Second Routine “Just Happens” To Melt 79lb of Belly Fat…

Visions of the worst case “what if” scenarios started replaying in my mind…

What if this was the last time I’d see my wife alive?

What if the lap band surgery failed?

What if she actually passed away?

I couldn’t bear the fact that my beautiful wife, the woman that I had vowed to protect, the woman that I had shared my life with, the mother of my 3 children might possibly be slipping away from me forever…
But would this lap band surgery really help?
It’s not like we didn’t already try everything we could do in her physical state to reduce her weight problems…
She’d starved herself to death, going from one diet to the next…
She also tried Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Paleo and calorie counting…
Because of her mobility problems, we had to resort to swimming and intensive cardio water exercise routines that caused her more pain…
After all of that failed, Samantha tried using various diet pills that promised “a slimmer waist in 10 days,” or some such thing…
But nothing gave her real, lasting results.
The final diet pills she tried, which we got from some infomercial just gave her explosive diarrhea!
All the years of trying to lose weight was all in vain…
It brought nothing but stress to our relationship and heartache…
Her struggle to lose weight had not only made her physically unhealthy.

how to lose weight in a short time period

Easy 30 Second Routine “Just Happens” To Melt 79lb of Belly Fat…

At 5 foot 6 inches my wife was close to 209 lbs.

And because of her weight, she suddenly collapsed one Sunday morning just as we were preparing to go to Church.

That’s when we rushed her to the hospital.

“I’m sorry Ms Johnson, your BMI is close to 40 and your blood pressure is 160/100… given your family’s history of heart disease and diabetes, if you don't lose at least 35 pounds in the next month, it’s unlikely you’re going to see your son’s 18th birthday.”
Those were the final words Dr Stevens said as he slowly walked out of the cold and damp hospital room.
Samantha didn’t take this very well.
She was so pale it looked like she had already died.
She laid back on the hospital bed, crying uncontrollably.
I didn’t know what to do or say, so I held her tight and we cried ourselves into sleep…
The next day, she insisted to get lap-band surgery.

Lap band surgery is a risky and expensive invasive procedure that involves surgically implanting an adjustable band around the stomach pouch to limit the amount of food intake.
I was strongly against this, but Samantha had made up her mind.
She insisted for the surgery be scheduled in just 8 weeks.
That night, our youngest son Jacob who was 16, came to stay the night in hospital. My wife hugged him and sobbed.
“God, please help me,” she said. “I want to see Jacob turn 18.”
A miracle was what our family needed at this stage.
At 2 am in the morning, as I sat beside her hospital bed staring blankly at the wall, wondering what I could do in the next 8 weeks to save my wife from surgery…

how to lose maximum weight in short time

Easy 30 Second Routine “Just Happens” To Melt 79lb of Belly Fat…


• It doesn’t matter if you want to lose a few extra pounds, or..

• It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, because it works just as well for men and women from their 20s to their 70s…

• In fact, it works especially well for you if you’re 40 years old or older…

• It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been overweight for…

• And it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a lot of spare time, because all it takes is just 30 seconds…

The best thing is, this 30 second routine will transform your body at the core level so that you’ll be naturally losing weight, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… even while you sleep.

Once you try this, your body will physiologically change at the cellular level, so not only will you feel 20 years younger,but you’ll experience mental clarity like never before.
So if you’re serious about melting targeted belly fat, automatically and effortlessly, while optimizing your body to its peak level…
Then pay very close attention, because this presentation will absolutely change your life…
It’s almost unbelievable to think that my wife was told she was about to die less than 2 years ago...
As the doctor turned to walked out of the room.
I could hot tears streaming down my wife’s rosy red cheeks…
She was so pale and hands were so cold it felt like she had already died.
She started to sob while grabbing a fistful her own belly fat that was slowly killing her…
“I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself” she kept on screaming while pinching the fat rolls on her stomach.
I turned to hug her to calm her fears…
I still remember that day like it was yesterday.
Because that was the day that changed everything.
The problems started 7 years ago…
Samantha, my wife was a pre-school teacher and part time model before I married her.
Even after giving birth to three beautiful children...
She always made it a point to keep in shape…
But what started initially as a simple case of mild “runner’s knees” …
Resulted in long lasting chronic pain that caused her to be bed ridden and temporarily disabled.
Each and every year her knee problems progressively went from bad to worse…
And as her knee deteriorated, she became less active and more depressed…
Don’t get me wrong.
This wasn’t her fault.
Because of her knee problem, she couldn’t move around easily so exercise was out of the question…
And just like that the weight kept on piling on.
It went from bad to worse.
Then from worse to close to divorce.
Eventually my happy, healthy, positive and sexy wife, gradually transformed into an overweight gloomy, sad, depressed and suicidal person…
And this misery seeped into our once loving relationship.
Turning her into a woman I hardly recognized.
Both physically and emotionally.

barely remember what her smile looked like because we were now constantly fighting so much…
Now instead of morning kisses, she’d wake up with a bad mood and start arguments over things so small I don’t even care to remember.
As the weight kept piling on, so did the medical bills and costs associated with it.
I must admit, after 7 years of nonstop misery I was exhausted…
I didn’t know that it could possibly get any worse. until it diet.

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                  Easy 30 Second Routine “Just Happens” To Melt 79lb of Belly Fat…

And then there’s Dale a businessman from California.

He lost over 100lbs in 3 months using this simple yet effective system.

Now, at the age of 55 is now fitter, healthier and more handsome than he was at the age of 30!
In fact, he’s now wearing suits that he bought 20 years ago!